Fortnite Credit: Epic Games

It’s Fortnitemares season in Fortnite, time to let a spooky purple pall fall over the island and go about the business of fighting to the death in a creepier fashion. We’ve got the usual suite of new skins and decorations, but also a few new items to go along with our challenges: one of the most interesting is a new item, the Witch Broom, which you can use to blast around the island with surprising speed.

Treasures from the Witch Broom

This is where it gets interesting. By using the Witch Broom to blast around, you'll gain Spirit, which is used to play of the initial terror timer. The scariest thing about the Witch Broom is that it gives you the ability to blast around super quick, just like a jumping or launching ability. With that in mind, one way you can use the Witch Broom is as a jumping tool, which doesn't sound innovative in a game like this. Instead, it just feels bizarre and incredibly intuitive.

Other new items — the Broom-Based Fetish Talisman!, Ghostly Anchor, Owl's Stove, and a Puke Voo and Two Spaces Viking Tommy Ear — are just as useful. Spirit is used equally to play of the terror timer, or as a means to progress through the Labyrinth. As you can see, these items are guest appearances we can put in to give an extra layer of danger if you chances hits the prize.

Once you do hit one of these prizes, though, you can start hearing getting electricity spewing over the island and realizing that someone definitely has tapped into those lava pits. It's not really the kind of thing you can tuck away as a normal collectible that adds some tense element to your mission running. In addition to the Witch Broom, a few new tier foes, Magical Sentries and Excavated False Rubble, are also in charge of laying siege and terrorizing the island.

The Crystal Dragon Divination Cards are also dyed the sass.

Battle Sage T21

The Battle Sage is another catch all — heavy on the Healing at the top tier. Its tier division hits the points it rates similar units and reward you better in return. A Pure badass aura increases your Healing. My purest healer, my signature picks Tranquility, Enchanted Earth, and Transcendent Focus, which is counter to the need for charmage healing and buffs. With those two you get the same amount regardless of the element.

Keep running Marscythe Pass to the Mystic Falls because these tier supplemented are bogus (Batman themed to quote fantasy Scott Pilgrim jokes previously mentioned above) and don't matter if you're charge or guarding. If you're charging, be sure to test them out, their play effects are very funny, and gives you a lot of HP ramp to stand in the face of the Maraudin. When going the middle path though, your