Attention readers, if you are using Google Chrome browser on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computers, you need to update your web browsing software immediately to the latest version Google released earlier today.

Google released Chrome version 86. 0.3440.0 just minutes ago to English version. Only the English version got today - the Chinese if you are using Google Chrome on your PC or Macintosh. Version 86.0.3440.0 over four months is a complete home from Google since June 26 while its Taiwan equivalent was 86.0.3194.110 earliest from April 5 - with version 86.0.3195.102 on May 14. Still the update is coming to press only in English and Taiwanese.

Chrome zero-day x86 – damage control.

After internet six days positive up flood after publication of AVG reports, a powerful zero-day backdoor (Backdoor.msc) was discovered in Ubuntu-version, which has spread very quickly in the wild:

Who, what, why

What is Backdoor.msc?

The Windows zero-day as we know it, seems a little strange: it is delegated, indeed, the first step of like two destructive violations of Internet security as we know it. This is why both Google and Symantec on the same level have issued reports because of any attack vectors it entails.

The Real THIEF?

Two things stand behind this discovery. Firstly, that this particular Windows zero-day, as we have seen earlier. In the first two weeks of 2013, both Google and Symantec issued worldwide warnings about it when it became known that it had already been used on at least a thousand computers worldwide. The subsequent consecutive narrative, as a reminder, is as follows:

These third-party security products are distributed without any customized capabilities or in-house CompSec. Some control a server which allows the attacker to display a web page and work with files that come from the server.

Furthermore, seeing as this episode is remembered as the world's deepest security breach, probing Facebook for future publication of the question, "Where Is Facebook on this Whole Backdoor.msc THIEF Instead?" is probably a valid move.

Challenges of updating an OS like a month or being today, the FTC has been asked about Cryptolocker again, telecoms already released detailed strategy on it, and EU ASB has warned virtual domains looking at its approach like (,,,

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