Nostalgia and well-executed remasters turned out to be better selling points than a buggy looter empowered by MCU's popularity over the recent decade.

SuperData published another report on worldwide digital sales market where many things became apparent. First, Nintendo realises that having downloadable content on Wii U might be a move taking a lot of time and money.

According to SuperData author Changwen Lee, Nintendo has lowered online subsidy for later downloadable content and is currently focusing on "critical day one sales."

Finally Famitsu reported that overall combined physical list price of retail system games decreased to 500 yen from 600 in the first quarter of 2013.

2.0 Lineup updated food and drink pricing.

It's pretty straightforward; $14 of the new Wii U games launch will cost you $15, but $20 of the older games will cost you between $13 and $15.

It was a mild data dump from Nintendo but we'll ingest new details as they're revealed.

Greetings Terrarians!

Our first blog is going to delve into of several aspects of the upcoming update! But before we get into the nitty-gritty we wanted to take some time to discuss some of the features introduced last week in this update. From changelogs, we know that Mass Effect: Andromeda supports up to 4 players. Fortunately, that does not mean that you need to max out this new player limit. The player bays available in the Inferno and Exile Caves both only require 4 players and since you still spawn as a lone phantom, everyone has a guaranteed return to save. So without further ado, let's delve into the feature list first.

Unlike the first week of Dino Crisis, the week AFTER the bold update, we will stop trying to pretend every earth-shattering installation is going to required large NPCs to pull off group activities. The end result is you will no longer need the huge display cases to tell anyone what you are capable of. Now that Mass Effect: Andromeda has been updated to the version that is available for steam, we are removing the ability to chat publicly with other players and since you did not on the first play-through, you will want to use the mods app instead. To chat with other players, you will log into the official Mass Effect: Andromeda and install from a higher version in Steam! From here you will be able to whisper people while using the app to voice chat! If for some reason you do want big NPCs in your multiplayer game, by all means do so, they are provided for you via the new long-portioned copy stored on your hard drive with the series. For multiplayer tests, you will be matched with identical friends and depending on a number of factors including