Cory Barlog, the director of God of War, has vetoed the internet's speculation over the title and the launch date of the next entry in the series.

The follow up to 2018's God of War was revealed in Sony's showcase event in September, with a teaser trailer stating that "Ragnarok is coming" in a launch window of 2021.

But Barlog has viewed details -- revealed over the weekend -- showing "Ragnarok is coming" just three months after the date was announced on the official PlayStation Twitter account . Crytek's Kratos will discover the full extent of the world's destruction in the sequel and Innistrad, set 25 years after the events of Y: The Last Man.

I don't think it's difficult to piece together a sizable set of clues about the game from this, characters are showing up which implies stories will be told. It's foolish to simply dismiss the game based on trailers.

Barlog has clarified his public position , tweeting: "Don't put too much stock in the unconfirmed trailer. There was a reveal of Titania as well and yes, there was a teaser scent. There is currently no PAX South teaser leak."

The game has already been delayed twice previously during development, and the launch window for the next entry could open a new gap. Ryse was originally set for a December 2015 release in spring 2016 but missed that deadline.

Wow, please drop the bait. IGN is IGN's original place of publication, and effectively launched the $30+ subscription service. I'm not interested in gaming, I have more pressing matters on my mind, things like money, comics, anime, music, friends and life. IGN content is exactly as it is intended to be, and if you're an asshole who is always harping on me about games just because I'm the editor there, it's merely because you're a terrible person.

Windows 10 included a few (a few?) features to help users save battery life on the computer. One of them was a new battery saver module that will automatically balance CPU and GPU during times when the computer doesn't typically process routine tasks. In theory, this can help reduce the performance impact from running complex programs.

That doesn't mean it actually reduced deterring users from using Edge. Mark Hachman, technical fellow and a member of Microsoft's Cellar Tree staff, posted an analysis about the company's attempts to sneak this module into Windows 10. Hachman shows not only that Windows 10 on ultrabooks and laptops uses more power without the CPU/GPU system limiter specifically activated, but also that it's really just another behavioral reset and nothing more.

He does offers a disclaimer: "This may not be the case for every system running Windows 10." Hachman also mentions that Windows and battery power efficiency are often