After America, China has now become the second country to unfurl its national flag on the lunar surface. China's Chang’e-5 probe has taken off from the moon to return to earth after planting the national flag. China has asserted this work was largely a demonstration of what China can do. The rover team have assured individuals the mission is a main objective for China in its efforts to improve the wellbeing of the people living on the moon.

European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti sent this photo to the Mirror's Australia News Desk. Cristoforetti spent six hours in orbit in 2014, flying in the Nasa International Space Station calling home.

Meanwhile, news of China's having landed on the moon has become a topic of heated debate. China insists its manned lunar landing is not for astronauts. Its name of this space stations mission is State Council of the People's Republic of China'n Space Station To Provide Services and Support for Astronauts Expedition 224. This is the first mission of this professormonument to the moon. It is designed to provide day, night and navigation services to enable space station's crew to improve their short- and long-term lives. Company reason of putting people orbiting the moon is to improve daily lives during seven months on the moon. Chinese issued then president Hu Jintao in no uncertain terms when asking him, "Is China serious about going to the moon?" In September 2014, a Chinese astronaut carrying a pet hamster on a Russian satellite,) called Chang'e-1 landed on the moon. One month later, a second Chinese astronaut Chang'e-2 landed on the moon. Seven years on, its time that China making a manned landing into the moon. Reaching new heights in fulfilling space dreams.

Although China continues to be within the line of sight, it is good practice for other nations to observe its progress with widening its space dreams and invest in flight vehicles to transfer people.

ExoMars demonstrates that innovation can inspire new forms of exploration without using space programs for prestige. It illustrates the need of better information-sharing between inner and outer space and promoting cooperation; evaluation and targeting for cooperation, as well as education and protection both. Furthermore, it provides information on the details to make future interstellar travel practicable. Extremely interesting objective which will attract much more attention due to NASA's doomed Mars mission, which could not target to the flyby orbit for its observations. It serves as a prototype for deeper space exploration.

On August 24, ESA's ExoMars rover reached India for exploration. Mission launched on April 13 provided melting radar readings along its 1.3 km route to RAMAP frame of reference, through geotechnical features on a rock designated 'Wing'