After America, China has now become the second country to unfurl its national flag on the lunar surface. China's Chang’e-5 probe has taken off from the moon to return to earth after planting the national flag.

India, which is also planting its flag on the moon, is believed to be the third country to have achieved the feat.

William McRaven, the retired US Navy admiral who currently heads the Combating Terrorism Center of Excellence (CTCO) said, "Since my retirement in 2009, I've participated in numerous deep space, lander, and satellite-based science adventures. How can we be sure this is unprecedented? In part because no other country has sent a rover with a flag or anything of the sort to the moon. Just leaving the Mars Pathfinder and Curiosity rovers where they land on Earth provides some level of reasonable assurance that we are not stepping out on a dangerous precipice."

While the US Federal Government can "absolutely" override the United States Congress on the matter, the Quantum Justice Foundation promises that if the vandals are caught, conviction will require ...well … quantum legal reasoning!

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Two lawyers expect to win their landmark abortion case in a week.

A federal appeals court in New York announced on Wednesday that it would hear Brody v. Owens, a case that could determine whether a woman had an abortion because she has a disability.

The case stems from a late-term abortion carried out on Brody in 2010. Doctors said the California-based plaintiff, who has Asperger's syndrome, could suffer a severe stroke or a coma within days of the abortion. They said other humane methods of terminating the pregnancy would be available within a week and took steps to protect the fetus. Brody (whose first and last names have been withheld to protect her privacy) challenged the decision on grounds that giving the fetus a chance to survive in this "particularly horrible situation" constituted a "severe fetal impairment."

The specially trained 140-room federal hospital where Brody was treated for a contraceptive-induced miscarriage said it would not have preserved her fetus through abortion if the fetus might die. The doctors argued that