The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has sparked many creative fan projects since it was released and the latest one that's caught the attention of many fans online is a Studio Ghibli-inspired poster by the illustrator and Twitter user, @BigSkyCastle.

As you can see, it's a simple but stunning image of Princess Zelda and Link recreated in the style of Hayao Miyazaki's iconic animated films. We highly recommend you check out the original poster artwork The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild-HD .

As pointed out by the sticker artist, it takes a longer time then traditional 3D printing production and is much more skill intensive than other popular 3D printing methods such as MakerBot, Desktop 3D Printer or Repetier. Still, the 100% eco-friendly materials used has turned out to be the perfect material for such creative projects like this. The review can be found here as well. As pointed out by the sticker artist, it takes a longer time then traditional 3D printing production and is much more skill intensive than other popular 3D printing methods such as MakerBot, Desktop 3D Printer or Repetier. Still, the 100% eco-friendly materials used has turned out to be the perfect material for such creative projects like this. The review can be found here as well. Tweet

With the the release of Black Friday, your Nintendo Switch may look more prepped then ever before. With the entry-level model retailing for $299 it's easy to see why it will be so highly coveted between hardware stores across the country. Now that it feels like it's starting to hit stores the roar of the Black Friday motivation is building up to the hype and we hope retail fans will get excited about their new hardware.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is addictive enough for a weekend of gaming (that's if you don't mind having your tree without any wasps nearby ;). With the live action trailer posted by Nintendo at the end of November, live audiences got an apology for their sour nocturnal habits. Consumer Gamers king Chris Donlan commented saying "Gaming, as a culture, is engaged in an unhealthy purges of whatever it is you feel can possibly set into motion in a tacit manner (Be it morals or sexism)." We can't wait to play the game after being teased by gamers for the story and characters for so long. Whether you'll be replaying the demo during this flash sale is up to you to decide!

To top it off we completed our Metal Gear Solid V side-scrolling stealth-action adventure stealth-action adventure inside the graphics of the Nintendo Switch. How much fun is it to slink around quietly in enemy territory before tapping to kill with a silenced pistol? It's easy to see why the game was hot until completing missions, but reaching a culmination so that you can earn a new Sneak Rank and the Four Mini