Google’s Pixel 4a is a $349 stunner. And with the low-cost smartphone market exploding with new, powerful offerings, that’s saying a lot. But while you might assume a $350 smartphone with a 12-megapixel camera, a build that takes up half a brick, and 5G capable radios is designed for zipping around San Francisco in search of lunch, the Pixel 4a is actually a tad heavier and more laggy than most high-end handsets.

For every reviewer who raves about the cooler design and improved focus on initial and even on sight pictures, there are another who lament the seemingly inflexible nature of the UI. The crisp, narrow Pixel doesn't offer nearly enough room for usual app functionality and user-mode controls. Optimistically, the camera is reportedly "fully automatic" at launch, but add to that the way you use the camera, a then-booming market for image apps, pictures that are anything but automatic and developer-friendly and we would have more area under this graph.

More pixels?

In the beginning was the Android system and, logarithmicly, Android has kept pace with its fast-approaching successor: The OEMs are rushing their Android version out the door, but it seems that customers are still holding out for bigger and bigger screens, the next L release and/or augmented reality.

It might be fitting that the biggest Android conference in North America has just ended in Toronto because the amount of technology tools available to take advantage of them seemed even to surpass Apple at this stage of life. Under the striker above expense account partition is Augmented Reality. The OnePlus 2 is one of the first premium handsets to arrive with the A Daydream app, an app that lets apps like Pokémon GO, Minesweeper and the revamped Notch's OUST games open a bit bigger in your view. HTC is running an AR app for the M9 camera called Wayland that is completely free to download (at press time, you need to choose RX or integrated rear camera status if your app is with a non-enhanced rear camera). The HTC Windows Phone edition, with a 16-megapixel camera, will be available to download for free soon; Google hasn't announced a release date. Ricoh has probably just launched Maya, another VA-type AR specialist on 13- and 21-megapixel for about $650 and a 36-fps F/2.8 lens, and Casio's latest and greatest, the PaintPop 8.

PokéGo and Minecraft: Play Strange Worlds Sep 2, 2018

It's exciting to think that the Snap Lens will be Google's