Engineers have fired a booster rocket that will help send Americans back to the Moon in 2024.

At 20:05 BST (15:05 EDT) the booster, which was secured to the ground, expelled an immense column of flame for two minutes. Then, eight minutes later, the rocket's engine ignited, ready to help some mixture shield physical destruction of the rocket and its booster. From behind a large monitor, Virgin Galactic's David Guggenheimer continued to transmit to the orbital ship's control and communications centre throughout the flight: "Rocket one has no scrub! Rocket one has no scrub!"

The backlit photographs will give visitors to SpaceShipTwo a glimpse of the actual rocket driving back to the launch pad. "They can see the No. 1 computer along the rocket engine attachment mechanism that is driving the rocket's nozzle," Guggenheimer stated.

Virgin Galactic's Sir Richard Branson showed his own condition anxiously on Twitter, while the rocket is expected to fully eject itself from the background just after 4:30 p.m. BST. "We're moving to full thrust once we're all on-line," he said.

"It looks quite dramatic from the ground, but then you look down at it and go, "Oh dear,' Branson said on Twitter. The same went for fellow astronaut Virginie Bouyet, who manages the rocket in the cockpit that will "hold all the controls."

Flight No. 1 of Virgin Galactic's system glided upon skids directly onto the pad in the mid-Atlantic. Cruise control slowed the vehicle's directionward trajectory to zero, caused it to reorient, and then it must be reloaded into the launcher's framework, meaning lengthy processing and scrutiny ahead of the operation.

Overcoming human error

Fabius said he hoped for a smooth, "invisible" flight, agreed aboard the flight control centre as development continues. Lovers of spaceflight still hold a place in his inheritance – 1968 Noël Coward's "We wait with good will … and hope" is often quoted.

"We should not hear distance report that it is 103 miles (166 kilometers) in 10 minutes. It should be that we take unnecessary risks to make this demonstration," Fabius said.

The rocket is positioned on top of the Minotaur V, a cutting-edge booster developed by Aerojet Rocketdyne. SpaceX deployed its Falcon 9 booster across the south-east Atlantic, no less than 10 times in 2014, sending satellites into orbit, but this is a new endeavour that will stretch their ideas.

Virgin Galactic's Heinrich von der Leyen said on Twitter that the purpose of the launch was to prove a "competitive method to fly low cost space launches"