Google is asking users to help teach its AI how to speak. A new “Experiments with Google” called LipSync asks users to lip sync a small part of “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I, Android Police reports. Go on and do it!

Only time will tell who learns how to lip-sync better, but for now it seems you don't have to just be real to get credit. Just like you don't need to have a microphone to tell Google what you have more than 90 seconds of audio on your service.

The blogosphere and racial confrontation

Whites hate it when I say the root of all the racial confrontation – Black violence and Black Demeanor

By Jake Anderson

AMY GOODMAN: Let me give you a little history lesson about why I say white people and mostly white intellectuals and politicians are largely to blame for the racial clashes and the racial hatred that's occured.

In 1889, a wall separated the black community from the white population in Charleston, South Carolina, as local racism and white fear spread like wild fires as nothing more than the seeds of a civil war.

It took the intervention of a fellow African American, abolitionist and hero of the Civil War, W.E.B. Du Bois, to stop white supremacists from killing Eugene Tarver in the killings of 83 African Americans at a black man's burial ground. That by itself is significant because it was Du Bois who took the first steps at the Wirthlin Building in Harlem in the 1890s to capture the city of New York with an overall strategy of de-colonization and decolonizing the black community with influential works such as The Souls of Black Folk. Ultimately, Du Bois was disgraced until his death, and so there was a continuing struggle, documented in his friend Ralph Ellison's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Invisible Man. But the important thing about it was, this was not just organized white supremacist hate but an organized working class Black – Black working class mobilizations geared to converting black workers' anger to social struggles that challenged white supremacy.

John L. Lewis is an important figure in the history of African American labor unions.

In the 1870s, there were no union businesses in South Carolina. There was no strike breaking like Black workers did with industries like cotton and whiskey. But the burial ground fight has the same kind of momentum and of course, he thought it was just not a right subject and he started investigating. And what he discovered defied all logic and possible explanation.

Right, he discovered that their graveyard — I'm sorry, their cemetery — was going to be sold to enable someone to put down a highway. And for a lot of decades he trawled,