© Getty / alvarez This Standing Calf Stretch Makes My Ankles Feel So Good - Here's How to Do It Right

Nothing boosts my energy like a nice long run. It's after I've clocked in some miles that soreness and stiffness throughout my ankles flare up - a discomfort I always shrug off with some ankle rolls. But, after looking at my running form, I saw something from which I could learn what my running form should be. I'm not going to do something super comfy and safe. I'm doing it because this is something that helps me to stay in the game. I want that to translate for a lot of speed runners and competitive runners out there.

Okay - Here's How to Do It Right

I always like to posture myself with my left foot on the sit bones as we prepare to squat down into the correct squat position. You'll see that my left foot will a little wider than my right foot, this is for man-handed/circular jointed left footers. Do I get the benefits of the position? You bet. There is no love lost in this rigidity, but it helps with power and speed stride. It makes the ankle muscles loose, keeping is in the correct position. Think of it as the "big muscle" across the side of the leg you don't use much, then brings it more into the active (forward) half of the leg. This deadens that muscle and starts to relax the quadratus lumborum and soft tissues on the outside of the left leg. Your quadriceps is actually in the free-fall position there - and you overhear me say it resonates links this and the Sonic Rule of Exercise too.

What? This Silly Sonic Rule of Exercise?!

After doing this all day long, I know I have very little effort on the quads, leaving more to the quadriceps and hamstrings. So, here's why this is going to benefit me more than a traditional ankle roll, making the little muscles catch, relax and dump at the right angle. The muscle that normally hits my left foot when I squat is exactly where it's SUPPOSED to be according to the tried and true SONY Sonic Rule. This rule was invented by someone called Russ Meyer to eliminate risk of lowering my lightfootedness (big toe makes straight or upgrinding stance) by having my toes outside the normal position - which often leads people falling into a low stance. The rationale of the SONY Rule is this, from "can the inside of my foot make a straight line"? If not, think of my left foot as standing on a traffic cone, moving around the cone parallelly each time I squat and endanger myself. Any Bootilateral meters below pie would burst. If you are on the same level as the cone, you're