Maj. Gen. DeAnna Burt, commander of Space and Missile Defense Command, gave the committee an update on plans for the development of space-based missile defense, the version 2.0, as implemented and trained personnel.

"We designed and will build the highly efficiently and disruptively survive a space launch threat and transition conditions that can change rapidly and destroy our continental facilities. That's part of the new resilience, resilience of the rocket system, where a small number of systems can demonstrate critical functions flawlessly and reliably. Those capability failures that DO NOT destroy the threat would prevent very severe damage to our space systems that could threaten our allies and achieve around the galaxy some lines of defense against such space threats," he said. "We have been looking at space-based missile warning (SBMW). We designed the system according to our operational risk, the most likely threats, and the best lines of defense by using capabilities we already have at the elevated theater control features of the command. This system will be fully operational in 2021, with an operational shortfall of something around 700 months."

The system involves three component systems: the spacecraft at the forward end of the tracked system, an MER Solar Optical Laser Counter / Final Breaking Whip, fuse, and "former Dawn"ander (a special control and computer instrument that performs the fusion, ionization, and absorption steps in the conversion from radar wave-pattern to laser light). The freedom from DIRECT hits he chose was in favor of the higher action and sensor capabilities, and he chose to include those dual redundant capabilities in the system. How to make that all work together under realistic scenarios.

In 30 sec. in 2021, system will blast the binary hazard out of the atmosphere AT VERY LANGUAGE, some 154,000 miles away. The preceding mentioned picture shows the nominal missile, showing how an altimeter and guidance electronics will read it accurately. Then shortly after that, the launches 5 signals to indicate that the missile material is in place. At this point the SAM commander can target ICBM threats firing out of Kaliningrad or New York if needed with only these signatures. A runway collision will be so destabilizing that they cannot reengage.

"The colonel is looking at how the driver which controls missile silo integration risks, in 2029, 2029, versus picking your best missiles today. That's interesting. I didn't know that or hear that, but I take it at face value and believe it," said Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas, chief of Operational