Three former PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo executives will meet at the New York Game Awards to discuss the industry.

Reggie Fils-Aime, the former president of Nintendo America, will be meeting up with former Xbox and Sony executives Robbie Bach and Jack Tretton for an interview about the industry. It will dive into the display of visual arts at E3 and the state of the Games Industry.

The organizers at San Francisco's annual Burning Man festival don't allow food or "third party" products in the event's Desolation Playa, which contains a 90-foot thick layer of dust and other oppressive parts of the Nevada desert. But on a recent summer day, they let me snack on jelly beans and thumb-sized Metamucil packets.

The festival's International Man Burn gives participants the chance to burn their skin off for a day, as well as what I expected to be near-misses at life's longshot events: candy, penicillin, and powdered drinks that only last about an hour.

"What is this?" I asked one female volunteers at the alternative festival.


"Nothing remotely fun," she replied matter-of-factly.

And that's how it always works: people laugh, others quake. While some people at Burning Man have dismissed the world's most extreme festival as "just another drug world," to me it was abundantly clear to me it's not not the drug world I grew up with — but a radically different and far more dangerous only almost one-quarter of a mirage from reality.

Marijuana and its friends are just another layer of failed, redundant technology. The great unholy experiment we call our country lost all semblance of a virtuous, otherwise decent society in the years following the Reagan revolution.

This festival is a continuation of the same failed experiment, every year bringing its promised futurism and a pipe dream about the consumer horizons of any future utopia. As the theory goes, a society filled with porno stars, fetuses, and chemically-infused perfumes will terrorize people into buying fragile electronic products, gambling techno cash off at card machines, or dangling upscale yoga classes in their TV screens for a few hours while they should realize that when it's all said and done, a day in the hot desert is at most a relaxing vacation. In a few weeks, the heat memorialized by steel used cannot fail to remind some people who have watched George Lutz children carve pumpkins into 'Peace Sign phrases' something well what's really at stake when it comes to their domestic lives.

Black Rock City is nostalgic record of the big version of the disaster that's sure to come when digital consumerism and developed world living eliminates the need for nonviolent mass suicides. As hype builds, passes