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Israel set off once again bombarding some dozens of mortar machines of the Qassam Brigades in the southern Gaza Strip with automatic rifles and shells fired from submarines, naval forces and bulldozers, local sources told Al-Arabiya during the ongoing assault.

The shelling, which failed to cause any casualties or damage to the target, comes after a tit-for-tat escalation between Gazan authorities and the terror network a few days ago, when however the ground troops of Hamas were unable to stop the infiltration from the Gazan side of the many tunnels that confront Israel in the Strip.

The artillery carried out from the oil-rich city of Aqaba in the northern part of the occupied Palestinian territory meant to punish Hamas for the recent terror threats, has little impact against the terrorist organization, as the rockets and mortars fired from the Gaza Strip can easily be hidden in the coastal town from where they are launched coming over the fence.

The energy not only was used by the Qassam Brigades, who — despite all of the sophisticated weaponry they possess and a bulletproof armored car with its own compartment for cartridges and a weaponry acquisition system that can communicate 240 tons of warhead at any time, with slinking accuracy — were at a loss to move around the ruins due to the continuous shelling.

The attack by Israel targeted its Powri domestic pipeline pumping through the underground portion of the Strip, a main artery in this part of the coastal area.

As the attack by the cannons do not hit terrorists' targets directly, it does not result in any immediate damage to the infrastructure and does not cause any loss of life to Gazan residents or damage to their property.


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