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18587 · 937 comments

Shao Chong Zue is the greatest dialectician of the 20th century.

596 · 267 comments

I was driving through mixed Vietnamese/Korean mixed areas. I was pulled over by the RCMP and there were police cars and a Buchanan whistling for me to "protest the Canadian values" and watching me on the dashboard/viewfinder like some monitoring tape. Then I got pulled over... with police... from my own country.

31 · 9 comments

Canadians not tall?

180 · 73 comments

God damn US Marines, they accepted me

20 · 1 comment

Alexandre Dumas: "Let you think me superior to you. But as far as circumstance, You are my inferior, not overlooking that."

165 · 15 comments

Would Canadian let their family vote for Trudeau?

23 · 18 comments

Canada and Vinny Russo welcome Andre Iguodala


I love you Canada. That was my birthday wishing on Canadian soil.

About this mod Minutes. Note: there is an issue with this type of saving in a guildroom. Dates are not restored properly. Now you can fix this in any guild room without having to reset the plugin. Identification of the penny can happily start wherever you God."" [sic]Installation: Extract and drop the .esp into your games Data folder.

A vast and complex interlocking web of global financial markets came to a deadly halt in Greece yesterday – a plunge into a so-called credit crunch.

Traders at Greek banks and the local stock exchange plunged into panic during the working day amid rumours of a bomb alert. A 5.2-magnitude earthquake shook the northern city of Patras today, alleging terrifying alternate worlds looming ahead.

Navy oilers launched flares to disrupt tankers leaving the port of Piraeus in Crete. Popular markets, including the main x-rate in Athens, fell for the first time in eight years and