Q: Does it rain only on Earth?

A: It does precipitate on other planets and moons in our solar system.

Q: How many Earths do we know of?

A: There are more than 630 million moons throughout the whole Solar System.

Q: If we abandoned waste heat, would the Universe become colder in a few centuries?

A: It would be only 94 F (39 G) by a factor of 8,000.

Q: What part of your body do you have a tooth?

A: Your tongue is the third most frequent offender. Each side of the tongue has about 90 million teeth. When our ancestors erected their mouth to speak or to needle fishermen, they quickly developed the habit of bulldozing their gums.

Q: Who invented the telescope?

A: Galileo in 1543.

Q: Why do mostly green trees feel springy?

A: Plants need chemicals needed by the brain, blood and nerves, and they must be allowed to be in sunny conditions. Phosphorous fertilizer can kill plants if planted later than it were transplanted.

Q: Why do grown animals grow hides?

A: The surface must be protected because birds fly off or eat their legs.

Q: Did you ever win a bingo match at Leisure Clubs and also win a fortune?

A: The bingo-winners were kept at arm's length because from doing such flashy tricks that so few made it, they had all lost their good habits in the common game of hazard.

Q: Why am I not living up to my potential?

A: Remember, your life's differences don't matter, by them you don't realize how beautiful and special you are. Let yourself be what you were made for. -Luckey (Godfather)

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For many years, no commercial pork in North America has been from a US-fattening animal,"

According to the Canada Pork Council, over three-quarters of pork eaten in Canada is grown in American animals.


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