I honestly can't see why people would want to play this in non-vr. The puzzles are intentionally made with only VR in mind. As such they aren't as effective in non-VR as they would be in VR. Which I don't mind. But the inclusion of non-VR puzzles can feel shoehorned into the game. Not hazardous shoehorned into the game, but as if the creators know how VR would work in an interesting sort of way. I think they should have thrown in a few ideas or features that would be great in VR users input. Like more head tracking or see through vending machines, or something. But that wasn't their check to make this horror game work in the VR narrative.

Our heroes Max and Alyx are trapped in a amusement park, the Vortigaunt's Hive. Our heroes must leave this place, escape, rescue a group looking to stop the breaking of the Vortigaunt's relative security. Max has returned from its mysterious disappearance, as children must their world return to normal. He's trying his best to combat all of his abilities switched on all at once. He can run, push boxes and pull levers. His aim and skill have rapidly and horribly improved far beyond their out of game levels by switching to the full game in a few seconds. Alyx though continues to slowly slip back to being just a stick figure with a bowler hat. Still she seeks escape, what better way to go than on a Haunted train that can transport them all away from the unliving menaces they are locked in?

Initial suspicion suggested that Alyx was a hologram, And well yeah they are. But they're so important in this story none the less.

The adventure starts out with Max entering the dungeons of the shady building full of wonder of decay. Horrible monsters run riot through the old subterranean caverns. It gives you a good grounding and hint as to the horror type of nature this adventure will have. The sound design by Hans Zimmer and Signs composer Thilo Nin does a wonderful job taking the typical gloomy cavern theme and turning it into something different. The spaces are dark and ominous, and frightening indeed. Adding to those conditions along with the atmospheric sound work is the creepy fill that plays, intermittently during in game scenes, reminding you not to forget that you are in a horror game. All this actually blends really well in with the darkened world you have been dropped into. Adding to this a shiny futuristic feel carries the mood. Seriously the players actions in the game cause a 19th century steam power aesthetic to appear at different points in the game. The style is great and the outside