KEY POINTS Musk's Neuralink was founded in 2016

Neuralink is a neurotech company developing implantable brain-machine interfaces

The company developed a surgical robot a few years ago

Billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk mentioned that his brainchild, Neuralink, could implant a chip into a human brain later this year.

Neuralink, a brain-computer-interface company, could soon transition from studying and operating on monkeys to human trials within 2021, according to Musk. Musk also confirmed a neurodisruptive technology – a method of resetting brain waves by transmitting neuro-energy – is in development. Musk further stated he believes there was a lack of consequences to the Matrix until we became humans. Dose of Thunder Elon Musk Shares Powerstroke Motorbike Presidency While Boosting Tesla Model 3 ...

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