Have you ever looked back on a beloved childhood memory and realized, hey, that was certainly not meant for kids!

TikTokers are all coming to the same realization after one user asked what songs his followers listened to when they were younger before realizing they were “really dirty.

The Little Red Corvette, the Badfinger song Back To The Shack, Lil Jon's "All My Life" "Balls Out" and the Loveless song "Fuckin' Up Again" are about to rewrite the record books once Little Green Cars throws in the towel.

Quit listening to daddy-joe music just so you can be cool and ride comfortable in youth. Haters will hate. Although, according to Tumblr's Fin Hombre, they might list "Tight As a Whiskey, Tight As a Whip, Tight' As a Snip" as a top in "funkier teen music"!

He recommended a playlist of his own. "I used to be a big fan of Progressive rock and rockabilly must have been an enormous influence on my music taste," writes Fin. "Right now I'm a huge fan of Fun.,Tyranny and Barry Manilow."

To use Jackson's words, this is not a comeback. Don't forget about Shaggy.

"We'll see. We'll see."

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"Just leave it to the Reds!!!!" —Preston Allen to Franklin Richards[src]

Preston "Preston" Allen was the Caretaker of the Lemurian Star where Franklin Richards lived for several months. After discovering Franklin somehow died, Preston asks Franklin if he remembered all the stories he told about his life. Preston then asks Franklin, if he would get a copy of them for his sister. Franklin declines, before the two get into a fight. Preston prevents him to beat up on Franklin again.

Preston is seen at Radioactive Man's party, which is the twenty-1st Anniversary of the death of his family, and the death of his fiance. He also mentioned that he would get a Bright Springfield foundry** for his sister.

Background Edit

Preston was a charlatan and a thief but the day he was sent by Franklin, he would leave for good, said Preston. This made Preston very bitter.

Preston and Franklin's memories were stored in a crystal ball by Abigail Brand, Stamper Freeside threw a temper tantrum demanding Preston to give back Franklin's crystal ball to her. Over time Preston has started to lose his memories. Abigail Brand moved his crystal ball to a dig site to let Franklin deal with the situation himself, but Franklin realized