Despite GTA Vice City Stories taking place two years before GTA Vice City, several gangs have vanished in the latter game.

Two years seems like a small timeframe to consider, but the changes between GTA Vice City Stories and GTA Vice City are quite significant. Two years brings with it changes to the GTA Vice City map. The Vollz Gang has dropped down from the highest office building in Vice City, to somewhere near the docks. The Franklin Locos have been reduced from a total of five cars to two. The U-Lockers have gone completely in Vice City Stories.

Karel Netsch is a member of the Vollz Gang and was the first gang member to go missing in GTA Vice City Stories. His U-Lockers have since been missing except for one, and it is not accounted for in the third enclosed wing of Bannister Towers.

Then there's this gang of what looks like mullet-wearing Old Mexicans with a discordance of facial hair(?) called the Traders. Why anyone could become a drug dealer and drug lord is left unexplained. Tools were supplied, Jackals? Some kind of Skorpion? Anybody seen them?

Finally, there is the infamous Heists. Amongst their targets are the Brown & White British Mafia, a bunch of criminals who weren't in Vice City during GTA Vice City Stories and the East Side Cartel, a clear cut target from GTA Vice City Stories.

Upon examining the heists in GTA Vice City Stories, their purpose wasn't really talked about. However, on the PC version, it's clear that you are stealing money for Stan Tatt in return for sticking with him. Apparently, Stan isn't the toy in the lead up to the heist scene but a henchman. If you more wanted to stick with Stan, the reason is there.

*Disagree about the whereabouts of other gangs? Make the EMCD DLC starts your gang as an organization before the heist*

Tags: Blood Dragon, Anthony Suave, Chumash Hiram, colonial Alpha, colonial Alpha Sportz, Convenience store, Devon, Denton, gas station exec, tattoos, Gang plague, Frank Strade, gambling world, Greg, Infected

Even though I consider this to be the biggest change in terms of storyline, I will have to go with the first. Chumash Hiram is extolling the virtues of siding with the Liberals through his ventriloquist act. Honestly, she seems to be more into the Truth then Democracy, especially when she talks about the legitimacy of the Justice System. It's honestly not a so strong of an argument.

Religion alone, within the Vice City storyline, is an extremely