It’s that time of the month again when Epic Games drops items that players can receive in Fortnite’s Monthly Crew Pack. For this month, the crew pack is featuring the Summer Skye skin. The skin will be delivered to free players and bonus VIP owners in July.

To redeem this pack or any of the other packages which I will be dropping, simply complete the code right away with the email address which you will receive the sent along with the pack.

Read: Epic Games Giveaway 2017 (June Update) – Kicked off by the Brand Test - Blackhearts Fire Skin

Now that you have the 2015 update to look forward to, let's review the four pack choices that will be going live at us Soapbox in July.

Wrap it all up and take the hype train with unbridled optimism, Swiftriders.

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PDC was acquired by Epic Games Inc. in 2014 and is now part of Epic Games' sales team.

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