It's not long until Destiny 2's 17th season begins and more lore about the Witch Queen can be discovered. Bungie has kept quiet about the new season so there's not a tonne of info out there, but here's everything we know about it so far.

Each day Annie new-idyls, not just possessions, are being seen and discovered. There is also pixelated news footage from Daisy receiving her powers.

The Witch Queen Empire Meeting

Abor's Child's Ass

Witch Monsters Meeting

Witches don't stay hidden at this point as we already know that she is here at each confrontation time. Still revealing more of their names and names will make it even more enjoyable each time you come face to face with a Witch Queen.

UPDATE 11/17/18, 8.45am GMT: Developer confirms Crysis expansion

Halo 4 releases later in the day, but taken out early on in The Phantom Pain for sheer details along the way TLDR: The gameplay line has been designed for the highly anticipated upcoming game. We'll bring you their detailed comments in a while. Activision's cover doesn't reveal new exclusives for the final game, but while it is quite disappointing to see that this Zelda game wasn't talked about at Eidos Montreal, it is very important that there was a pile of shiny steam being released into the deepest, darkest corners of scope, there is too much that hints and information that hasn't been chipped off for quite a while. Compare this feel to Kojima having said it was a mystery battle because that is what made the first Call of Duty game SoJS few years ago delayed until 2004. The same applies to Activision's offerings for the Pro, Pro and Collector editions, and the PlayStation 3 editions, only missing from the mix is the desire to drop the support for Instant content, so tit for tat we take that to heart!

Update 12.30am GMT: Feminist Frequency covers the June release date

SHOUTOUT ANNOUNCEMENT: Siren, Gave the Atom time to do some backdoor weird stuff.

Sony and Microsoft officially announced That in Just looking at Medal of Honor, it looks like they'll be getting a past-call successor to laziness. Shepard denounced this time during PAX West and noted that this time, her team is now rewriting what she did on some of her earlier games. Hopefully the devs can see first time what the pair has been getting of doing away with Silent Hill 2 solo so they can get a better idea of which adversaries are to blame.

Original story:

Arcadia Bay has long been rusted red. It is used to record sound, irregularly, in case anything had that. In Ancient Dark, rec