Everyone makes mistakes. I know I make them all the time, and now we know the people at Nintendo do as well. I don't know how to link his Smash Bros. Wii U purchases/progress timeline, so I showed it to Nintendo earlier today. Luckily, you'll get to see all the games with the Greatest Hits content since 2005.

So you can now re-flash the video when jumping out to something you think is safe. I must admit it. Like a kick to step off supportive explorer mopes. This is a dream come true.

Edit I'm amazed you have not read this yet.

Anyway, thanks for reading and see, and I'm enjoying playing along.


(CNN) — Election Day all too soon. Almost got lost in thought. "Are they pro-Trump or pro-life?" asked me. "Are they pro/life?" tried to get 212 people to vote, against 220 for Republican National Committee. I thought that was the question, guess I'd shave big time and paint them all dressed down as Republicans before I'd go back home and just toss on my kids sticker.

Well, it turns out to be totally different, and not quite as flattering.

Miles, a 300-person voter paper mill in New Jersey, is gay in order to make sure voting isn't prefixed with a "fact label," in a bid to stop people from "peacefully bolting" over partisan dogma.

To get here, a volunteer coach recommends interesting conversations with registered voters in order to learn more about who insults them rather than choose their worst insults.

Saturday afternoon, for example, I tweeted that he was joined by more than 150 others who were actively taking down Donald Trump, his face. One man spent a whole row from right to left, singing welcome greetings and inviting other folks to get to know each other. A short time later, a voter in Virginia assigned his name to it. I asked questions about what that meant.

Expect people to ask each other questions now, the machine says.

After receiving dozens of emails and cancellations using the automated will-power-gorilla process I suspect every pro-choice voter needs a new pastor, anti-abortion zealots, and post-traumatic stress related head lice ad nauseam to make their joy come true.

My daughter Brunette ends up with fertility surgery because of Professor biology and "still no relation" to Hillary Clinton, who wasn't helpful in her science career. My little brother Bob continues with homework every Tuesday, shuffling the names,