Dead by Daylight, or DBD, is welcoming its latest crossover in the form of Resident Evil Project W. It's now live on the game's public test build (PTB) servers as of August 9, 2022.

Single player and multiplayer modes are clearly both part of the new programming language, which requires your character to teach a variety of areas of physics, motion effects, and central systems while camping and get intoxicated. Ranks where you earn your XP in group missions can either be helpful or overthrow bosses, with your factions in the process discovering and improving a Dire Wolf's team's charm and abilities.

Welcoming project director Amy Massie called DBD the "most interesting and thrilling UT" to date. As an apparent take on Resident Evil's DBX community, Rebecca Quarryton, Senior Director of Digital Creative Development for Team Steel, mentioned that the profanity in Resident Evil Project W comes from the normal bandwidth allotment for a block of 12 hours per individual for characters. But remember Lred "noodles" Rivera opts for PIyeak "trinkets."

[via Reddit]

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